Legal Services
Through GMB and its specialist solicitors, members recover millions of pounds in compensation.
The GMB offers a Legal Freephone Service on 0300 333 0303 - further information is available.
Our employment law service provides complete advice and representation to GMB members at no cost – if you are worried about anything at work, then call us. Our accident and injury service is also free of charge* to GMB members and their families. Don’t call a number you have seen on the TV or in an advert, call UnionLine Scotland.
UnionLine Scotland can offer something no other service can give you – 100 per cent of your damages with no deductions for GMB members and their families. No other service can offer you that: THEY WILL ALWAYS MAKE A DEDUCTION. UNIONLINE Scotland never will. All of your compensation goes to you as a GMB member.
Worried about debt, or a bad landlord? Call UnionLine Scotland. Whatever problems you have we will try and help you, providing quality local legal advice. So put 0300 333 0303 in your phone and remember, GMB is your union and this is your union law firm. It is not out to make a fast buck, its job is to provide the best legal service in the country to GMB members.” *Subject to rule
All personal injury claims for members are covered – accidents at work, industrial diseases, road traffic accidents, street accidents, holiday accidents – you name it, it’s covered. And family members are covered too for road traffic accidents, street accidents and holiday accidents. If you run a claim through the GMB Union Law Firm UnionLine Scotland, you’ll keep every penny of your compensation – there are no costs and no deductions.
To make a Personal Injury Claim you can ring the freephone number – 0300 333 0303 – and register your claim.
If you are unlucky enough to be injured in an accident through no fault of your own or you are suffering from a disease that has been caused by your work, you are entitled to full legal representation through your GMB membership. Accident cover is provided to GMB members and their families provided that
GMB Union Law Firm UnionLine Scotland, specialises in asbestos and Mesothelioma claims. Call the freephone number above for advice on making a claim.
Alternatively any member who believes they may have been exposed to asbestos should contact the Legal Department on 0121 550 4888 to obtain a form for your details to be added to the Asbestos Exposure Register.
Buying or selling your house? All you have to do is telephone the number above.
GMB members and their partners can have simple wills drafted by our solicitors. All you have to do is phone the GMB freephone number above.
If you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of clinical negligence, then you need advice from specialist lawyers. UnionLine Scotland has a team of highly experienced clinical negligence lawyers who will help to guide you through this complex area of law. Favourable terms for GMB members can also be secured for clinical negligence claims. For further advice please call on the number above.
If you have a non-work related personal issue you can call the freephone number above and speak, to an expert who will advise and guide you on whatever issue you have.
Job Support Scheme - Further Extension For Businesses Which Remain Open
Fraud And Error Account For £3.5 Billion Loss On Furlough Scheme
Separate Court Entrances For Domestic Abuse Victims
Amendment To Direction Issued By Employment Tribunal Presidents’
Changes to the Employment Rights Act 1996: 6 April 2020
Changes to Holiday Pay Calculations From 6 April 2020
UnionLine clients benefit from wider whistleblowing provisions
Flexible Working - A study conducted by Timewise found that only 1 in 7 jobs throughout 2018 offered any kind of flexible working
A GMB member has won £30,000, after UnionLine pursued his case for compensation, following a failure by their employer to deal adequately with his injury
Workers’ Rights When Faced With Forced Changes to Contracts of Employment
New Alliance Calls On Government To Make Employers Prevent Sexual Harassment
The Importance of Reporting – how can complaints affect personal injury cases?
Civil Litigation (Expenses And Group Proceedings (Scotland) Act 2018 – QOCS
UnionLine Scotland WIN £95k Pay Out For Injured Care Assistant
£8m pledged for ‘innovative’ and LiP support as LASPO review published
BEIS Opens New Consultation Into Protections For Pregnant Women And New Parents Returning To Work
Personal Injury Victims Should Be Compensated Fairly And Transparently...
Glasgow Women workers’ strike highlights how pay inequality remains rampant, 50 years after the Equality Pay Act became law...
More than 3,000 tribunals postponed at short notice in just eight months
Home Office Reveals Immigration Arrangements For EU Nationals Post Brexit
GMB Union Calls On PM To Implement New EU Workplace Rights Or Risk Betraying Voters
A Significant Victory In Trade Union Discrimination Case Based on Working Time Directive
UnionLine Scotland & GMB Scotland Win Landmark Case Rescinding Temporary Suspension Order...
Legal System ‘Failing’ Women And In Need Of Reform...
Adverse Weather Difficulties & Your Employment Rights
UBER Brand Turns Toxic Exploitation of workers, failing to abide By regulations in London...
There have been four key employment law developments over the last couple of months. These include cases on liability for personal injury following a TUPE transfer and the impact of taking previous conduct into account in unfair dismissal claims.
The Regulated Care Sector in Scotland
GMB and UnionLine Scotland Campaign for Safety in the Scottish Ambulance Service
Matthew Taylor - Report into Modern Workplace falls short on fixing a broken labour market
Employment Tribunal Fees – Supreme Court Judgement
Employment rights look safer post general election, though vigilance required as Brexit negotiations start in earnest
Package holiday or DIY, are you protected?
Government may not “cut & paste” the Great Repeal Bill
The Trade Union Act: Unpicking the new rules
Through GMB and its specialist solicitors, members recover millions of pounds in compensation.
The GMB offers a Legal Freephone Service on 0300 333 0303 - further information is available.
When it comes to health and safety, the GMB’s reputation is second to none, with experts at all levels of the organisation.