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International Workers' Memorial Day 2023

International Workers' Memorial Day 2023

GMB Scotland has helped mark International Workers Memorial Day at a series of events across the country.

Speakers around Scotland paid tribute to those killed or injured at work but warned far too many employers are still being allowed to put profit before safety.

GMB Scotland joined other trade unions to lay wreaths at 18 commemoration events on Friday.

In Glasgow, Claire Greer, GMB Scotland organiser, spoke at the event at the Workers’ Memorial in Glasgow Green. She said: “This is a day when we remember the dead and fight for the living.  

“Because the stark truth is that at least 1,500 workers are killed in work-related incidents and up to 50,000 people die due to occupational illnesses every year.

“Improving standards of health and safety at work is a crucial and everyday part of our mission.  

 “We are told that health and safety has gone mad with red tape but we know that most workplaces will never be inspected at all and only one in 20 major and fatal injuries are ever investigated. That is simply wrong.”

She said stronger health and safety legislation would not only save lives but would help cut the £40 billion annual cost of work-related injury and illness and the £105bn estimated cost of poor mental health.

“No-one should be invisible from health and safety at work. It is a fundamental human right,” she said. “There needs to be more inspection and enforcement from the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities.”

“There’s no justice from the system as it stands and workers’ rights need to be strengthened not eradicated.”

Click on the image below to watch Claire Greer, GMB Scotland Organiser speaking at the Workers’ Memorial, Glasgow Green or follow this link: