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Newsroom: Archive

GMB Scotland Media Statement Whisky & Spirits

14 January 2020
GMB Scotland Media Statement Whisky & Spirits

Keir Greenaway, GMB Scotland Organiser for Whisky & Spirits, responding to this morning’s (Tuesday 14 January) announcement that Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) representatives will visit US government trade officials in Washington DC amid concerns of further tariff increases on single malt whisky. More

GMB Scotland Warns Abandoning Domestic Gas Production Risks The National Interest

30 October 2019
GMB Scotland Warns Abandoning Domestic Gas Production Risks The National Interest

Amid continued Brexit uncertainty and the prospect of a general election, GMB Scotland has today (Wednesday 30 October) warned that abandoning domestic gas production will risk the future energy interests of both Scotland and the rest of the UK, and ignore the realities of the global response needed to tackle climate change. More