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Newsroom: Archive

Arrival Of First Shale Gas In Grangemouth

27 September 2016
Arrival Of First Shale Gas In Grangemouth

GMB Comments On Arrival Of First Shale Gas In Grangemouth Calling for imported fracked gas to be stopped is campaigning for mass unemployment in central Scotland says GMB Scotland. More

Angus Council Ripping The Heart Out Of Local Arts

22 September 2016
Angus Council Ripping The Heart Out Of Local Arts

GMB Warns Angus Council Cuts Imposition Could Rip The Heart Out Of Local Arts We are calling on Angus Council to think again as they are in serious danger of ripping the heart out of local arts says GMB Scotland. More

Cordia U-turn on shameful 'pay cut by post' attempt

16 September 2016
Cordia U-turn on shameful 'pay cut by post' attempt

Cordia U-Turn On Shameful ‘Pay Cut By Post’ Attempt It will take a significant effort from Cordia to begin restoring its shattered credibility among the workforce and their trade unions says GMB. More

End Two-Tier Pay In Perth & Kinross Council Schools

15 September 2016
End Two-Tier Pay In Perth & Kinross Council Schools

GMB Scotland calls for end to two-tier pay in Perth & Kinross Council schools GMB Scotland is calling on outsourcing giant Mitie to pay its cleaning staff in six school campuses across Perth & Kinross Council (PKC) the living wage of £8.25 an hour. More