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BiFab Trade Unions Welcome BiFab Deal

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

GMB & Unite Joint Statement

BiFab Trade Unions Welcome BiFab Deal

In a joint statement responding to this afternoon's announcement, BiFab trade union leaders Gary Smith (GMB) and Pat Rafferty (Unite) said:

"When the company fell into trouble last November, we called on everyone to pull together and battle for BiFab.

"Today's deal is the culmination of that fight and we hope it's the start of a very bright future for our members and their families.

"Let's be clear that this would not have been possible without the determination and solidarity of the workers and their communities and of course, the continued efforts of the Scottish Government and their staff in securing this investment.

"We look forward to meeting with the new owners as soon as possible, to learn of their plans and to help secure the necessary contracts that can help deliver prosperity for Fife, Lewis and Scotland."


Contact: Peter Welsh, 07976447077.