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Equal Pay Agreement Reached Between Unions And Glasgow City Council

Friday, November 11, 2022

Equal Pay Agreement Reached Between Unions And Glasgow City Council

Commenting on the agreement reached between unions and Glasgow City Council, GMB Scotland Branch Convener, Shona Thomson said:

“The agreement reached between unions and Glasgow City Council is a hard fought victory for working class women who have fought for years to secure equal pay.

“They have had to strike to reach this deal in the past and it has taken the threat of strike for GCC to pay back what was owed to these workers who are the backbone of our public services.

“It should not be in doubt that this deal has been won through an organised and strong workforce who have demonstrated incredible solidarity with each other on pickets and in the workplace.

“We’ve come a long way in the fight for pay justice and I’m proud to have stood with our members. However, there still remains the outstanding matter of council wide job evaluations. GMB Scotland’s focus and efforts will now be on delivering a new, fair pay system which will secure equal pay for the years ahead.”


Contact:  GMB Scotland Organiser Sean Baillie on 07813 593 996 or email: