GMB Scotland Defending Your Interests
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Glasgow Equal Pay Strikes Suspended

Friday, March 25, 2022


 Responding this afternoon (Friday 25 March) to the suspension of strike action by members of GMB Scotland and Unison Scotland in Glasgow City Council, GMB Scotland Organiser Sean Baillie said:


“Our members have suspended their strike action scheduled for this Tuesday and Wednesday, following assurances from the council leader that the 2019 deal will be maintained for negotiations over interim payments, and that those payments will be delivered by October. 


“This is not a decision taken lightly. There is a deep mistrust of the council among our members, and particularly toward the unelected officials who have consistently hindered progress to tackle the pay discrimination which they imposed. 


“The strike actions for the 20th and 21st of April remain scheduled. We expect the council leader’s participation in talks over the coming days and weeks, and that an offer and plan for the settlement and payment of interim and new claims is set-out in advance of 20th April.”




Contact: GMB Scotland Communications on 07976447077 or GMB Scotland Senior Organiser Keir Greenaway on 07855 017842