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Glasgow HSCP Budget Cuts Reaction

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

GMB warns of “profound consequences” for Glasgow HSCP delivery after budget cuts confirmed

Responding this afternoon (Wednesday 22 March) to a 9-6 majority decision by the Glasgow Integration Join Board (IJB) to back budget proposals that will cut £21 million and 200 posts from lifeline services in the city’s Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), GMB Scotland Organiser Sean Baillie said:

“There will be profound consequences for staff, service users, and Glasgow’s communities as a result of this cuts budget, because the HSCP is already long past the point of sustainable delivery.

“Bluntly, Glasgow’s political leadership and a cadre of unelected officials have consigned the HSCP to a second decade of cuts, and in doing so have washed their hands of their responsibilities to the city’s most vulnerable people.

“It should be clear to everyone now there is no political plan for the recovery of local services, and there is no political will to demand more investment for Scotland’s biggest city.”


Contact: GMB Scotland Organiser Sean Baillie on 07813 593996 or GMB Scotland Communications on 07976 447077.