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GMB Scotland rejects council pay offer

Monday, July 22, 2024

GMB Scotland has rejected a new pay offer to council workers as industrial action looms across Scotland’s local authorities.

The union’s local government committee met today [MONDAY] to discuss the proposed pay rise of 3.2% but said it remains unacceptable.

The union’s members in cleansing and refuse have already backed strike action across almost half of Scotland’s 32 local authorities with action expected next month.

After the meeting, Keir Greenaway, GMB Scotland senior organiser in public services, said the offer from Cosla, representing Scotland’s local authorities, remains below the Retail Price Index and the pay rise offered to council workers in England.

He said: “For Cosla to suggest this is a revised and improved offer only insults the intelligence of our members.

“It is merely a repackaging of the previous offer already rejected as too low and too late.

“It begs the question why more weeks have been squandered on this when time is running out to halt imminent industrial action?

“We continue to believe a joint approach seeking more funding from the Scottish Government remains the most likely route to a resolution.

“Council leaders must meet as a matter of urgency and agree to approach ministers.

“So far, unfortunately, it seems some leaders have preferred to protect relations with their party colleagues at Holyrood instead of urgently seeking a resolution to this dispute.

“Our members deserve better and Scots relying on the frontline services they deliver, and that is every one of us, deserve better too.”