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Grid Decarbonisation Challenge Exposes Need For New Nuclear In Scotland

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Grid Decarbonisation Challenge Exposes Need For New Nuclear In Scotland 

Responding this morning (Thursday 20 May) to the UK’s nuclear, wind and solar industries joint call for urgent action to “jumpstart grid decarbonisation” against the backdrop of rising grid emissions (see Notes to Editors), GMB Scotland Secretary Gary Smith said: 

“The blunt truth is that the lights in Scotland and the rest of the UK would have gone out without electricity from gas and nuclear power during the fourteen low wind days in April.

“The UK Government must ensure the equivalent of one new Hinkley Point C nuclear power capacity comes on stream every three years until 2050 to sustain homes and businesses. 

“Last month carbon emissions from electricity used in South Scotland were up sixty per cent on April 2020 figure because Torness was off line. 

“The problem will get worse when Hunterston B, the only other nuclear station in Scotland, closes next year. Put simply Scotland needs new nuclear power to achieve net zero and keep the lights on.”


Contact: GMB Scotland Communications on 07976 447077 or email 

Notes to Editors: 

Copies of the embargoed (until 00.01 hours Thursday 20 May) joint release by the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA), Renewable UK, and Solar Energy UK, ‘UK nuclear, wind and solar industries call for urgent action to jumpstart grid decarbonisation’, can be accessed at: