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Programme for Government Response – Social Care

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

GMB Scotland Media Statement: Programme for Government Response – Social Care

 Responding to the First Minister’s Programme for Government statement today (Tuesday 7 September) concerning the future of social care in Scotland and the delivery of a National Care Service, GMB Scotland Secretary Louise Gilmour said:

“The need to tackle the crisis in care is accepted, but the challenge is to end years of exploitation by giving care workers substantial pay increases. That’s how we’ll confront the understaffing crisis and transform the sector.

“It’s why GMB is campaigning for £15 an hour minimum for care workers. The prospect of staff remaining mired in wages of just under or over £10 an hour isn’t credible. 

“And there is a growing consensus supporting that view, including among Cabinet Secretaries as the Greens committed to a £15 minimum in their recent manifesto, so we need to make it happen. 

“If we are prepared to be bold and deliver proper value for workers across the social care sector then there is a huge opportunity to be grasped, everyone will benefit and Scotland will be fairer for it.” 


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