Legal Services
Through GMB and its specialist solicitors, members recover millions of pounds in compensation.
The GMB offers a Legal Freephone Service on 0300 333 0303 - further information is available.
View the documents by clicking on the appropriate link below:
Scottish Ambulance Service Resource Planning - Standardised Business Rules For Shift Rostering
NHS Scotland - Proposed Agreement For Accruing, Recording And Reclaiming Of Time Off In Lieu (Toil)
Standardised Business Rules For Shift Rostering
Proposed Agreement For Accruing, Recording And Reclaiming Of Time Off In Lieu (Toil)
Scottish Terms And Conditions Committee Sub-Group Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)
Through GMB and its specialist solicitors, members recover millions of pounds in compensation.
The GMB offers a Legal Freephone Service on 0300 333 0303 - further information is available.
When it comes to health and safety, the GMB’s reputation is second to none, with experts at all levels of the organisation.