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GMB Scotland Media Statement: NHS Pay Dispute Latest
GMB says accelerated NHS pay talks ‘huge opportunity to transform value of NHS staff’ - Click on the Headline to read the full story.
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland – Audit Scotland Report
This morning’s headlines concerning the Audit Scotland’s report into NHS Scotland and the prospect of a £1.8 billion funding shortfall in the next five years are sobering. You can read the full Audit Scotland report here
But the truth is that anyone working on the front line of our NHS will not be surprised by these latest findings and forecasts.
The fact that more people are being seen and treated on time in the last year, and that patient safety has improved, is testament to the dedication you have for your vocation.
But the lack of a clear plan to address this shortfall and the unsustainable strain on the services you deliver is a total failure of government – both corporate and political.
Inevitably, it will be you and the services you deliver that will be first line to bear the brunt of the future reform agenda – and this means cuts to pay, conditions and jobs.
The warning signs were evident in the last pay negotiations when you were asked to sign-up to what were then unknown reform elements.
And when we start discussions on the next pay offer in 2020, what will be put before your unions will likely amount to a real-terms cuts package at best.
Left unchallenged, there will be no good news for staff, patients and local communities in the future of NHS Scotland.
That’s why GMB Scotland will shortly be undertaking a nationwide consultation about how we are going to tackle the funding crisis in NHS Scotland – and how we defend our future, together.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me during office hours on 0141 332 8641 or email KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB member
GMB Scotland in ISS: Update
GMB received confirmation today that UK ISS Directors will visit Hairmyres Hospital on Wednesday 28 August to meet with employees. Location and times to be confirmed.
In the run up to strike action GMB will hold mini surgeries at Hairmyres on Tuesday 20 & Friday 23 August, between 12 noon and 3pm to be on hand for any advice/support.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your GMB workplace rep, call me on 0141 332 8641 during office hours or email KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB member,
GMB Scotland in ISS: 24 Hour Strike Action Update
Following the unanimous decision to take industrial action in the form of 24 hours Strike Action.
GMB have served notice to your employer today of the following:
Monday, 2nd September 2019 commencing at 0001 hours to cease on Tuesday 3rd September at 0001 hours.
More info will come through during the next few days.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your GMB workplace rep, call me on 0141 332 8641 during office hours or email KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member,
GMB Scotland in NHS 24
GMB and other trade unions met with management yesterday, Thursday 8 August.
Management have confirmed no one should face a financial detriment unless they agree to reduce the hours during the rota change.
GMB are advising you to complete the matching proforma and return to HR. GMB also confirm the date for return has been extended to Friday 23 August.
If you are not happy with any of the changes, please complete section 3 of the proforma. GMB will support you through this process.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your GMB Scotland rep or me on 0141 332 8641 during office hours (quote: 'NHS 24') or email gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland in ISS: Strike Action Mandate – What you need to know
You will now have seen our update on the latest position in our dispute with ISS, following meetings with senior management in our Glasgow office.
GMB Scotland’s mandate for strike action is legally protected for a six month period and, following the workplace meetings with ISS which are currently being arranged, we will determine how our union moves forward.
We do need to make very clear that in the event of any industrial action, anyone not a member of GMB Scotland will not have the statutory protection of the ballot.
Anyone not covered by the ballot will be expected by the company to work normally or face disciplinary procedures.
It is our expectation that in the event of strike action, non-GMB members in ISS will not cross a picket line which would undermine our campaigning efforts.
If you know colleagues who are not in a union, they can join GMB Scotland now at www.gmb.org.uk/join or call 0141 332 8641 during office hours (Quote: “ISS membership”).
We will update you as soon as possible when workplace meetings with ISS management are confirmed so please check your text messages and email.
If you are not already signed-up to received GMB Scotland communications, you can do so at www.gmb.org.uk/mygmb
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member,
ISS Hairmyres: Important Member Update
Today, your GMB representatives met with ISS Senior Management at a UK level, in relation to “Project Greenfield” - the payroll changes that saw you work for 3 weeks and paid for just 2.
As your representatives, we also took the opportunity to impress upon ISS that there are significant issues with regards to the management culture and the treatment of our members at Hairmyres Hospital.
We made clear our view that, in imposing this change to your pay, ISS has failed to treat you and your colleagues with the dignity and respect that you deserve.
It is our responsibility to communicate the anger felt by you as our members. This made for a difficult meeting but, after a heated discussion, ISS Senior Management have agreed to take away our demand that they look at the financial hardship that they have inflicted upon their own staff.
The “Project Greenfield” change was a decision taken by ISS at a UK level, and they state that the change affected tens of thousands of ISS workers across the UK.
As we are all aware, it was a shambles of a process, and it now falls to ISS to repair the breakdown in workplace relations that it has triggered. With this in mind, they have agreed that Senior Management will make arrangements to hold mass meetings with GMB members to explain themselves, and at the end of the meeting there will be time set aside for GMB representatives to discuss with you, as members, the best way forward.
Nothing has been definitely resolved following today’s meeting, but they have taken away the issues we have raised for further consideration and meetings are being arranged. The UK Senior Management of ISS have certainly got the message about how angry our members are at Hairmyres Hospital.
GMB Scotland has no worry about pursuing a strike, but we are conscious that our members lose money when on strike, and we take our responsibility to you as your union very seriously.
It is incumbent on us to exhaust every avenue to find a way forward through this dispute and, at a time when we have a lot of members off work and on holiday, mass meetings with senior representatives of ISS seems a reasonable course of action in the circumstances.
Rest assured, ISS have been left in no doubt that we are a serious trade union that is absolutely determined to secure a positive outcome for our members.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland ISS Hairmyres - Vote Yes! Visit our drop-in session tomorrow from 9.30
Your strike ballot is well underway and your ballot papers should now be arriving by post to your homes. Vote Yes and tell ISS to pay what they owe.
Remember! You need to cast your vote and return the ballot paper in the free post envelope provided. Don’t delay, vote today!
Thank you to all GMB members who turned out at our meeting last night in Hairmyres. It is clear that ISS are rattled by the media and political scrutiny being put on them - but we can’t let up.
Your employer is withholding your wages and we must fight together to get them back.
Members told us that ISS management are acting in an increasingly arrogant and petulant manner towards staff as a result of this ballot. GMB will take a no-nonsense approach to this.
That’s why your GMB reps will be on hand tomorrow (Saturday 15 June) from 9.30 - 11.30AM at the hospital's main canteen to answer any questions or queries you may have.
If you can’t drop by or missed last night’s meeting and want to get involved, or if you just want to ask a question in confidence, drop me a text message on 07718 112031.
Let’s tell ISS to pay what they owe. Vote Yes today!
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland In ISS - Industrial Action Ballot Thu 13 June - Thur 27 June
GMB is asking you to VOTE YES for strike action!
Your employer’s imposition of its new payroll system, ‘Project Greenfield’, resulted in staff working three weeks and paid two.
Members have been forced to re-shuffle their finances, affecting their families and households. Some have even been forced into debt.
Your employer’s response has been tone deaf, refusing to engage with unions and offering only re-payable loans to bridge the financial loss caused by their actions.
We estimate that it would cost ISS £72,000 to bring forward your money (which they already hold) and pay you what they owe. Your managers say they can’t do this.
We say that’s not credible. What sort of company can’t release 0.008% of their global revenues (which total £8.75 Billion, by the way) to pay you what they owe?
Your employer won’t listen. Your health board won’t act. And the Scottish Government won’t intervene over a cash grab on dedicated health service staff.
This is shameful, so much for Scotland being the ‘fair work nation; that’s why we have been left with little choice but to pursue strike action against ISS.
You will be asked ‘Are you prepared to take part in strike action?’
GMB is asking you to VOTE YES and send a clear message to ISS: pay what you owe.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 0141 332 8641 during office hours (quote: 'ISS Hairmyres') or email gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB: Defending Your Interests in NHS Scotland – NHS Highland Bullying Report
Last week an important report into bullying and harassment in NHS Highland was made to the Scottish Government (you can read it here).
The problem of workplace bullying in NHSH is something that GMB Scotland has long fought against and that’s why we campaigned with whistle-blowing clinicians to tackle this scourge.
Some of the key recommendations of the report based on the evidence gathered in NHS Highland propose:
GMB Scotland was the only union to provide a banner for the NHS Highland whistle-blowers to campaign and organiser under. Together we demanded the independent report and its recommendations are the result of this hard work. But it’s only half a job.
Actions speak louder than words and real change in NHS Scotland will only be measured by future outcomes, so our campaigning agenda against workplace bullying doesn’t stop with this report – far from it.
We strongly believe that the partnership model in our NHS has failed, so we will campaign for change from within. That’s why, over the next few months, we will be working with each NHS board to ensure the bullying report recommendations are delivered.
As a GMB member you know we don’t duck the tough choices. Last year we were the only union to unequivocally reject the three year NHS pay deal and we were the only union to take on the proposed further reforms, which would have cut the pay of many of our SAS staff.
We take a no-nonsense approach with employers and politicians because our priority is the defence of your interests.
If you want to find out more about our campaigning agenda in NHS Scotland or if you know a colleague that would like to join us, contact:
Drew Duffy
GMB Scotland Senior Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland in ISS Hairmyres: GMB Day of Action - Protest Arrangements
Tomorrow (Thursday 11 April) GMB Scotland members at Hairmyres will protest against the ISS cash grab on your wages. Our demand is straight to the point: “Pay us what you owe us, on time and to the penny!”
GMB members will gather outside of the main hospital entrance from 12 noon until 4pm.
Over the last fortnight you have been completing individual grievances against your employer. At 1PM tomorrow your GMB Scotland reps will submit your grievances to ISS, urging them to step back from plunging staff into unnecessary hardship next month.
This week your employer has tried to spread fear among staff in attempt to quash your protest. For clarity, your employer cannot prevent you from protesting in your time. We advise however that you do not attend wearing ISS uniform.
Our protest will coincide with UK-wide activity across all ISS operations in the NHS. The momentum against this payroll imposition and cash grab on your earnings is growing by the day, with extensive media coverage over the last week too. The pressure is on ISS.
Tomorrow, let’s be loud and proud. Let’s stick together and campaign to defend our interests!
If you have any questions please contact GMB Scotland NHS Representative Sam Mullin on 07493 023212.
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland in ISS Hairmyres - Payroll Imposition Campaign Latest!
Our campaign to stop the ISS payroll cash grab on your earnings is now underway. Thanks to all of you who have attended our meetings over the last week and are getting active in the build-up to our Day of Action on Thursday 11 April.
Your workplace reps will be asking you to complete an individuals grievance against the employer throughout this week. Please make sure that you do this and return it to your rep. We'll be submitting them to ISS on the Day of Action.
Earlier this week, we formally notified the Chief Executive of NHS Lanarkshire and the Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing of the imminent attempt by your employer to withhold your earnings and asking them to intervene urgently.
The cynical move by ISS is contrary to the Scottish Government's Fair Work Convention and has no place in our NHS. You can read the letter here: http://tinyurl.com/y25ja2qh
This Friday 5 April, our sister union Unison will also be undertaking activity against ISS in the form of demonstrations. We would encourage GMB members to show their solidarity by attending during your scheduled breaks. Your GMB reps will be on-site in support too.
On Friday 11 April our own Day of Action will coincide with UK-wide activity across all ISS operations in the NHS. The momentum against this payroll imposition and cash grab on your earnings is growing by the day.
Let's stick together and campaign to defend our interests!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 0141 332 8641 during office hours (quote: 'ISS Hairmyres') or email gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland in ISS Hairmyres – Stop the payroll imposition cash grab!
Your employer has notified of us of its plan to move to a new payroll system.
It will mean that staff’s earnings currently paid in arrears on a fortnightly basis will be subject to a one week delay for the first payment period in May. In short, two week’s pay covering a three week period, meaning you go a week without pay.
ISS have said they will offer a bridging loan to any staff that requires help with making up the financial shortfall. We say this is totally unacceptable and the solution simple – this is time you will have worked so you should be paid in full and on time for it.
Following a meeting on Wednesday 27 March with your reps and fellow members, I can confirm the following course of action as we campaign against this senseless payroll plan:
Throughout this period we will be in frequent communication with members so please ensure you contact details (particularly mobile phones) are up to date. You can do this by:
The payroll changes being imposed by ISS are an attack on your earnings and we’re not going to stand for it.
Let’s campaign together and defend our interests. Stop the payroll cash grab in ISS!
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland – STAC withdraw TOIL reform proposals after GMB campaign
Following a meeting of the NHS Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee last Friday (8th February), we are pleased to confirm that STAC has withdrawn its proposals affecting the utilisation and application of time off in lieu (TOIL).
This follows a consultative ballot of GMB members in NHS Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service, which returned overwhelming rejections of STAC’s ‘further reforms’ for TOIL of 98.5% cent and 98.8% respectively.
If implemented, the proposals for accrued TOIL not taken automatically to be paid after three months at ‘plain time’ would have resulted in real terms pay cuts for many GMB members in services being propped-up by working-time overruns.
The decision is good news for GMB members and NHS and SAS staff across Scotland, ensuring you are paid fairly for the additional work you undertake.
Like last year’s pay ballot over the three year NHS offer, GMB stood alone in its rejection of STAC’s further reform proposals for your terms and conditions. Our decision to fight the TOIL proposals has been vindicated and hard-pressed NHS staff will be better off for it.
GMB will always be honest with our members and we strive every day to uphold good values – trade union values. We will always fight to get the best deal possible for you.
If you know a colleague who is not in a union, tell them they can join Scotland’s campaigning trade union in the NHS today at www.gmb.org.uk/join
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me during office hours on 0141 332 8641 or email gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB Welcomes Withdrawal Of ‘Pay-Cut Proposals’ For Ambulance And NHS Staff
GMB Scotland has today (Friday 8 February) welcomed the withdrawal of planned reforms which would have resulted in cuts to terms and conditions of Scottish Ambulance Service and NHS staff.
Proposals by the NHS Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC) to the utilisation and application of Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) would have seen the value of accrued TOIL not taken automatically after three months devalued from time and half to plain time.
It would have resulted in pay cuts of over £200 for many frontline ambulance staff, who routinely accrue overruns in working time against the backdrop of increasing demands on the emergency service.
Earlier this week, GMB Scotland members in the ambulance services comprehensively rejected the reforms in a consultative ballot by 98.8 per cent, compelling STAC to withdraw the proposals following a meeting of trade union, NHS employers and Scottish Government representatives today.
GMB Scotland Organiser Karen Leonard said:
“From the outset of negotiations over NHS pay last year, we warned about the prospect of cuts to terms and conditions of staff over the further reform elements contained in the deal.
"The proposals tabled for the reform of TOIL would have been the equivalent of the Scottish Government giving staff a pay increase with one hand while taking away with the other; that’s not what hard-pressed ambulance and NHS staff signed-up for last year.
"The determination of our members in the ambulance service to protect their terms and conditions was evident in their massive rejection of the reforms - something that shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone who understands the pressures they are under.
"We are pleased that the employer-side and the Scottish Government recognised the fact this would be a bad deal for staff and that they have agreed to the immediate withdrawal of the proposals.”
As always, if you have any questions please contact gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk or call me directly during office hours on 0141 332 8641.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland: NHS Pay Reform Consultative Ballot Result – 98.5% Rejection!
GMB members across NHS Scotland have comprehensively rejected STAC’s proposals for further reforms to your terms and conditions by 98.5 per cent.
STAC’s proposals in particular for accrued TOIL not taken automatically to be paid after three months at ‘plain time’ would result in real terms pay cuts. This is an unfair proposal for GMB members.
GMB will formally notify STAC of our ballot result at its next meeting tomorrow, Friday 8 February, where we also expect to learn about the proposals for pay protection.
Please look out for further communications over the coming days and weeks. If you need to update your contact details you can do so at www.gmb.org.uk/mygmb
Do you know a colleague who isn’t a trade union member? They can join Scotland’s campaigning trade union today at www.gmb.org.uk/join
As always, if you have any questions please contact gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk or call me directly during office hours on 0141 332 8641.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
NHS Scotland Pay Reform Proposals - Important Consultative Ballot Notice! Why you should REJECT.
Our priority is the defence of your interests. On Monday we are launching a consultative ballot of our members across SAS and the NHS recommending you REJECT the proposed Pay Reforms tabled by the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC).
Our campaigning materials outlining the case for rejection, along with a report of the STAC Proposals, can be accessed at the foot of this campaigns page.
There is a danger to your terms and conditions from the organisational change and protection of earnings reform but the proposals for this have been delayed. However, the proposals on TOIL represent the first wave of cuts; a worrying indication of what’s coming.
You did not sign-up for a pay deal that gives little with one hand and cuts with the other. Your union will not sit-back and let these proposed attacks on your terms and conditions go unchallenged. We must send a clear message that such cuts are not acceptable.
Between Monday 14 January and Monday 4 February, please look out for communications via your reps, on your mobile and email about when and how you will be balloted. This will be conducted in the workplace, electronically (SMS) or by post (home).
Members in SAS may be aware that your employer has moved to block facilities arrangements for your reps in an attempt to thwart our workplace ballot.
We have written to the Scottish Government asking them to reverse this threat to basic democracy over issues affecting your interests. You can read the letter here.
Should the Scottish Government not intervene, please be assured that your GMB organisers will be on site at your workplace to ensure you have your say on your terms and conditions.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me during office hours on 0141 332 8641 or email GMBScotCampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
P.S. Remember! You did not sign-up for a pay deal that gives little with one hand and cuts lots with the other. REJECT these dangerous proposals.
Download your NHS Pay Reform flyer and workplace poster by clicking on the images below:
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland
NHS Scotland Pay Reform Proposals - Important Consultative Ballot Notice! Why you should REJECT.
The priority of GMB Scotland is the defence of your interests. That’s why we are launching a consultative ballot of our members across NHS Scotland recommending you REJECT the proposed Pay Reforms tabled by the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC).
Last year we were the only union to strongly campaign for members to reject the NHS Scotland pay offer. GMB was clear in our concerns about the worryingly undefined “Further Reforms” elements contained in the three-year pay deal.
STAC recently reported its recommendations for these reforms, which will be submitted to the Scottish Government with a view to implementation on the 1st of April 2019 (the report can be accessed here).
For many NHS members there is a real danger to your terms and conditions from the organisational change and protection of earnings reform – the proposals for this have been delayed until next month.
However, the proposals on TOIL represent the first wave of cuts; a worrying indication of what coming next for everyone.
Limiting the accrual of TOIL to 15 hours a month and for accrued TOIL not taken automatically to be paid after three months at plain time will result in real terms pay cuts for some NHS staff, like nurses. It is an unfair proposal for GMB members.
You did not sign-up for a pay deal that gives little with one hand and cuts with the other. Your union will not sit-back and let these proposed attacks on your terms and conditions go unchallenged. We must send a clear message that such cuts are not acceptable.
A consultative ballot seeking your views will run from Monday 14 January until Monday 4 February. You will be asked whether you accept or reject the Pay Reform proposals. GMB strongly recommends you vote to REJECT.
We will conduct this ballot in your workplace where possible. Where we are unable to reach your workplace you will be provided with either an electronic ballot via your mobile phone or a postal ballot to your home address. Schedules will be confirmed very shortly.
Therefore it is vital that your contact details are fully to up to date ahead of the ballot start date. There are three ways you can check or update your information:
In the meantime if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me during office hours on 0141 332 8641 or email GMBScotCampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
P.S. Remember! You did not sign-up for a pay deal that gives little with one hand and cuts lots with the other. REJECT these dangerous proposals.
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland: Pay Reform Talks – Are the cuts coming?
The priority of GMB Scotland is the defence of your interests. That’s why we strongly recommended that members voted to reject the recent NHS pay offer, which was implemented following an acceptance by a majority of staff in our sister unions.
Not only was the offer unfair and unequal in our view but it also committed unions and our members to reforms of existing terms and conditions, which in our view could only mean one thing – cuts. This was stated clearly in the pay offer proposals:
Tomorrow (Thursday 22 November) we meet with other NHS Scotland union representatives at the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC) where we will receiving an update on developments concerning pay reform.
GMB will be making our concerns known that the cuts agenda we previously feared is already being trailed in services in Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board.
Last week, GMB submitted a collective grievance against GG&C following an attempt to change the pay protection arrangement in place for theatre staff at Stobhill Hospital.
Left unchallenged, this review would effectively mean staff being compelled to work additional hours, without pay and at the discretion of the employer. Any way you slice it, that’s a real-terms cut to terms and conditions.
Are the cuts coming? We’ll be raising this at STAC tomorrow and, as ever, we will keep you fully updated on developments.
In the meantime, if you have any questions then call us during office hours on 0141 332 8641 or email me at KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
P.S. Do you know a colleague that isn’t a union member? They can join Scotland’s campaigning union today at www.gmb.org.uk/join
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland & Scottish Ambulance Service – Important STAC Update on the NHS Pay Offer
The priority of GMB Scotland is the defence of our members’ interests. Together we campaigned for an above inflation pay award for NHS and SAS staff, plus a lump sum payment, to help tackle nearly a decade of cuts to your pay and conditions.
The need for a pay deal that tackled austerity and put more pounds in your pocket was clear and compelling. And that’s why we campaigned for a rejection of the Scottish Government’s three year, below inflation, interlinked offer.
Your response in our consultative ballot was overwhelming – a 98 per cent rejection across our NHS membership is a real demonstration of our trade union’s values and ambitions for NHS and SAS staff.
Today (Friday 17 August) your GMB representatives met with our trade union colleagues on the NHS Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC).
GMB is the only union that rejected the offer and every other union have accepted the deal.
It is the prerogative of other trade unions to make recommendations which they believe is in the interests of their members. But for GMB Scotland we were clear from the outset: The offer is unfair, unequal and commits members to reforms that are unknown.
The scale of support for the three year interlinked offer among the memberships of our sister trade unions means it will be implemented across the NHS and SAS. GMB Scotland is bitterly disappointed by this because it is not a credible prescription for tackling the cuts.
We will now convene a meeting of our NHS & SAS workplace representatives to discuss our next steps. Details of this will be communicated to you over the course of next week.
In the meantime, our immediate campaigning focus will turn to tackling the imposition of interlinked reforms which are part of this offer. If our members are forced to swallow a below inflation pay deal for three years, there is no way we will entertain additional cuts.
We have work to do and it begins now – and if any of your colleagues want to be part of Scotland’s campaigning trade union in the NHS and SAS then tell them to join today at www.gmb.org.uk/join
In the meantime, if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me at KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk or call 0141 332 8641 during business hours Monday to Friday.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland & SAS: Pay Consultative Ballot Closes Monday 13 August – FINAL REMINDER!
The priority of GMB Scotland is the defence of your interests.
That’s why we have been campaigning across NHS Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service over the summer, urging you to reject the unfair and unequal three year offer.
Our ballot will close next week on Monday 13 August, so if you haven’t already voted in your workplace or returned your ballot paper then don’t delay, do it today!
GMB Scotland has been campaigning for a rejection of the pay offer, as it stands. We are the only trade union in NHS Scotland to do so. The reasons why are very straightforward:
The devil is in the detail. This offer is unfair, unequal and would commit us to reforms that are unknown. That’s the hard truth and that’s why we cannot credibly recommend anything other than a rejection.
If you haven’t yet voted in the ballot or received your papers then call us immediately on 0141 332 8641 or email me at KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
If any of your colleagues aren't in a trade union and want to be involved in campaigning for better pay and conditions, then please encourage them to join GMB - www.gmb.org.uk/join - or feel free to send them this update.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
P.S. Remember! GMB’s ballot closes on Monday 13 August – if you haven’t done so already then don’t delay, vote ‘reject’ today!
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland: NHS Pay Consultative Ballot, Thursday 5 July to Monday 13 August – GMB will urge members to REJECT this unfair and unequal offer
The priority of GMB Scotland is the defence of your interests.
That’s why GMB has consistently campaigned for a pay award that not only beats the cost of living but tackles a decade of cuts imposed on our NHS Scotland staff.
But the truth is that the Scottish Government’s interlinked offer doesn’t meet these expectations and that is why your senior reps are unanimous that GMB Scotland members should reject the three year pay offer as it stands.
The reasons why are straightforward:
The devil is in the detail and as it stands, this offer is unfair, unequal and would commit us to reforms that are unknown.
This is not a credible prescription for tackling a decade of austerity on staff working harder than ever to keep our NHS running day in and day out.
Neither should the Scottish Government attempt to distract from the realities of this offer by justifying it off the back of the real-terms pay cut for the NHS in England. That’s just not good enough.
Our priority should be about getting the best deal possible for NHS Scotland staff. That’s what GMB has been campaigning for and we are clear that more still needs to be done for all staff, not just those earning over £80,000.
Our consultative ballot over this offer will begin on Thursday 5 July and run until Monday 13 August.
GMB will ballot our members in the workplace but if we don’t ballot you at work, you will receive a postal ballot. So please ensure your contact details, particularly mobiles, are to up to date.
Only GMB members can participate in our ballot so if you know colleagues who are not part of a trade union and want to campaign for fair pay, they can join today at www.gmb.org.uk/join.
In the meantime, if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me at KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk or call 0141 332 8641 during business hours Monday to Friday.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
P.S. GMB’s consultative ballot will run from Thu 5 July to Mon 13 August. We strongly urge members to REJECT the NHS three year pay offer.
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland – Important Pay Update
GMB has been in discussion with sister trade unions, the Scottish Government and NHS representatives for a number of weeks now over the future of your pay and conditions.
Our message has been clear from day one: You deserve a fair pay rise that puts pounds in your pocket after years of austerity. For GMB Scotland, that means:
· An above inflation increase (RPI currently stands at 3.4 per cent); and
· An £800 consolidated lump sum payment to tackle years of pay cuts.
These pay talks are on-going and we will ask you to vote on the final offer over the summer months. Ultimately, when a full offer has been tabled, you will decide if the pay offer is good enough or not.
Over the weekend you may have seen the reports about the Scottish Government’s decision to impose a 3 per cent increase on your pay for this year while these talks continue – something that’s been called a “payment on account” by the First Minister.
Let’s be clear for the avoidance of doubt: The First Minister’s announcement was not done in agreement with GMB. It is less than what we have been campaigning for and we believe you deserve more.
But what does this mean for you? Well, 3 per cent may look agreeable at first glance but the devil is in the detail.
As it stands, 3 per cent means a cleaner would get an annual increase of £500, a porter £600 and a nurse around £800. But NHS staff like senior managers on £80,000 and over will get a flat £1,600 cash increase.
Should a Health Board Chief Executive get an increase worth double than that of a nurse? GMB Scotland doesn’t think so. It’s staff at lowest end of the pay scale and staff working longer and harder at the coal-face of our NHS that deserve the biggest increases.
Pay talks continue this week and GMB will be making our feelings on this matter very clear. We also call for this 3 per cent imposition to be classed as an interim payment only, until you have voted on the final offer.
Our priority is the defence of your interests and we believe you deserve better than an imposed pay award that values our members less than the biggest earners in the NHS.
Remember! If any of your colleagues aren't in a trade union and want to be involved in campaigning for better pay and conditions, then please encourage them to join GMB - www.gmb.org.uk/join - or feel free to send them this update.
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Dear GMB Member
GMB in NHS Scotland – Important Update: Your Pay Offer
The priority of GMB Scotland is the defence of your interests.
Earlier this week, the joint trade union representatives of the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC) met to discuss the way forward for the delivery of your 2018 pay offer.
As opposed to the traditional NHS Pay Review Body approach, this year your trade union reps will sit down with Scottish Government and NHS-side representatives to negotiate an offer for your pay, terms and conditions.
The first meeting of this negotiating body has been set for Thursday 3 May with a provisional deadline of Friday 22 June to bring forward an offer for the full consultation of our membership, if not sooner.
I can confirm that to date, no formal offer for your pay has been discussed with or suggested to the joint trade union representatives of STAC. Bargaining over your pay offer will formally commence next Thursday.
Again, GMB Scotland seeks an above inflation offer plus a lump sum payment to tackle a decade of austerity on your pay, terms and conditions for 2018 / 19 - as a minimum.
Please be assured that any offer reached will be subject to a full consultative ballot of our NHS Scotland members and any final offer agreed by our members will be fully backdated to April 1 2018.
In the meantime, if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me at KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
Find all the latest news and information below.
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland in the NHS - NHS Pay Offer and Scottish Government Talks
You will have seen press coverage over the last twenty-four hours about the proposed pay deal in England for NHS staff.
GMB at a UK level have confirmed this is a pay cut - a 3 year deal with declining value does nothing to address years of pay restraint that you have suffered.
As pay talks get underway for our NHS Scotland staff, our message is simple: It’s time to make work pay for our dedicated NHS staff who have spent a decade at the coal-face of austerity!
GMB Scotland has listened to you are clear that you need and want more money in your pocket. If the direction of travel on NHS pay is to ‘just about manage’ this year and then return to real term pay cuts for the next few years, then GMB Scotland will have not part of it.
Our priority is the defence of our members’ interests. That's why in Scotland we are campaigning for: An inflation pay matching increase for 2018/19; and an £800 consolidated lump sum to tackle years of pay cuts.
We believe the money is there to achieve this. The Scottish Government will receive a windfall from the UK decision to fund a
deal and every penny of that money has to go in your pocket.
Negotiations with the Scottish Government will get underway over the next few weeks but it's unlikely we will come to you with a final offer for NHS Scotland until May or June.
Please be assured, however, that any final deal will be backdated to 1st April 2018 and GMB members will vote on the final offer before it's accepted or rejected.
GMB will update you on developments as soon as possible but if you have any questions any all, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0141 332 8641 or email KL.Leonard@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
P.S. Remember! The priority of GMB is the defence of your interests - we are campaigning for an inflation matching pay offer and an £800 lump sum for 2018.
Dear GMB Member
GMB Scotland in NHS –Audit Scotland Report
This morning, Audit Scotland published its report, ‘NHS in Scotland 2017’ - http://www.audit-scotland.gov.uk/report/nhs-in-scotland-2017
For our dedicated NHS members, it confirms what we already know – staff are working longer and harder for less, yet delivering first class care for patients against a backdrop of stifling austerity and rising demand. It’s not sustainable.
This morning, the Scottish Government Health Minister Shona Robison MSP dodged questions relating to staffing levels in the NHS but offered her ‘congratulations’ to hard-pressed staff on the front-line.
Our members don’t want congratulations. Our members want the proper recognition and reward for their work and skills which have kept our struggling NHS in Scotland afloat over the last decade.
The Scottish Government has committed to lifting the public sector pay cap and we are clear that this means hard-pressed NHS staff need a pay rise that at least meets the cost of living/rate of inflation.
Warm words from our political elite are useless. It’s time to end Scotland’s austerity shame. Ahead of the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget in December, that’s the campaigning message we’ll be taking to Holyrood on behalf our NHS members.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or if you have colleagues who want to join GMB Scotland, then please do not hesitate to contact me on 0141 332 8641 or email gmbscotcampaigns@gmb.org.uk
Karen Leonard
GMB Scotland Organiser
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Read the full letter here
NHS Scotland Pay Award 2018
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