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Save Our Community Links Workers

Save Our Community Links Workers

The Community Links service based in GP practices across West Dunbartonshire is facing severe cuts from May this year.  

This will mean a severe reduction in the service available to patients across the locality.

 The West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership claim they do not have the money to keep the current level of Community Links Workers and have asked the Scottish Government to step in. Both have a responsibility to protect this vital service.

Community Links Workers provide essential support for many vulnerable patients across West Dunbartonshire. They offer practical help for those affected by social and economic inequalities, support people in applying for adequate housing and the benefits they are entitled to, as well as offering respite to those experiencing poor mental health. In doing so they greatly reduce the pressure on frontline GPs.

At a time when poverty is on the rise, mental health is a growing concern and support agencies in this area are considerably stretched, Community Links Workers provide an essential and easily accessible service by connecting people with the right resources. That vital lifeline must continue.

We call on the West Dunbartonshire Council Leadership, West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership and the Scottish Government to stop the cuts to the Community Links Workers service.


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